
Wednesday 19 February 2014

Secret Crush of a Chalet Girl- Lorraine Wilson

Secret Crush of a Chalet Girl is the latest instalment in Lorraine Wilson's glamorous ski resort romance series.  I've really enjoyed all Lorraine's previous novellas and was thrilled to be able to get a sneaky advance peek at her latest offering!  What an honour!

This time it is Sophie's turn to have a brush with romance.  When she is left a trail of clues to lead her to a secret admirer she has high hopes that it may be her crush...could he possibly be trying to woo her?  Or are some of our dreams never destined to come true? 

Verbier never fails to excite and delight, a perfect escapist setting full of romance for anyone who needs their heart warming up.  I never really wanted to go skiing before, but after reading these books I am itching to go!

Lorraine Wilson creates fabulous, believable characters, and I feel this is one of her major strengths as a writer.  I could empathise with Sophie, especially some of her self doubt and lack of confidence, and I'm sure many other readers will be able to see some of themselves in her. 

Secret Crush of a Chalet Girl is humorous, romantic, touching and heartfelt, and in true Lorraine Wilson style manages to touch on some difficult issues which adds an edgy, darker feel to her romances.  However, if you are looking for the traditional hearts, flowers and steamy scenes you won't be disappointed- there is plenty of that too!  The setting is glorious, the dates glamorous- all in all it is an opportunity to see how the other half live!

I feel this is Lorraine Wilson's best novella yet, it has pretty much everything I look for in a book!

Secret Crush of a Chalet Girl is available in ebook format from 27th February 2014, published by Harper Impulse. Available to pre-order now here.


With thanks to Lorraine for giving me the opportunity to read this book before release in return for my honest opinion.  I am honoured to be able to consider you a friend.

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