I absolutely love the
Making Them Readers blog. It is such a fantastic resource, chock-full of reviews, news, ideas, nostalgia, and pretty much anything and everything else you could think of regarding children's literature. Focussing heavily on the importance of reading for pleasure as well as education,
Making Them Readers is one of my favourite blogs.
I think regular visitors to
Books with Bunny know I'm a huge fan of picturebooks in particular, but I enjoy exploring all children's books. From fiction to non-fiction, board books to YA, I am not fussy.

I was so very chuffed when I was approached to be a regular guest reviewer for
Making Them Readers too. Promoting reading is why I started book blogging in the first place, and I truly believe there are books out there to suit everyone. Helping parents, teachers, childminders, librarians, booksellers and most importantly children to discover what is out there is an absolute pleasure, and I know how much delight I get from the recommendations of others. To be able to give some of that pleasure back through
Books with Bunny and
Making Them Readers has me glowing with pride. If I can encourage one person to pick up a book they might not have tried, find a new favourite author or rekindle their love of books (no kindle pun intended), then I consider it all worthwhile and a huge success.
My review of
Cassie and the Woolf by Olivia Snowe (a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood aimed at a junior market) is on the Making Them Readers blog today, and you would make my day by going and reading it
Wow! Thanks Bunny. That is a superb and glowing recommendation. I am blushing to the roots of my hair. We love having you as a regular contributor. Thank you for taking the time to work with us. xxx