Katherine Garbera is one of Harper Impulse's most recent signings. Her novel Eye Candy is to be released this summer.
Find out more about Katherine, and read an excerpt of Eye Candy below. And there's a giveaway too! I know you guys love a giveaway...
But to start with, Katherine talks about why she loves to read and write romance...
I’m often asked why I write romance. And the answer is simple really, I love
reading complicated relationship stories that are about the ups and downs of
falling in love. I like seeing two
people meet at the wrong time in both of their lives and then start on the
journey to falling love.
The truth is few of us (I don’t know of
anyone, but just in case!) will find love when we want it. Love comes unexpectedly into our lives. And in fiction that makes for some good
conflict. In my upcoming title for Harper
Impulse EYE CANDY (July 30) Hayley wants change. But that change can’t come from the outside
it really has to come from something inside of her. And Hayley’s not afraid to go after what she
wants. She’s never taken the easy path.
I’m one of those people who believes that
both people have to work at a successful relationship so in my novels I try to
ensure both the hero and the heroine are complicated people. Men and women who don’t need another person
to ‘complete’ them or make them happy. But who aren’t opposed to have someone
along with them on the journey.
My favorite romances are the ones that have
two strong protagonists. I don’t think
I’d be very good at writing someone who needed to be rescued since I’m usually
the one who will just do whatever needs doing.
Standing around and waiting for rescue doesn’t appeal to me. But I do like a man who can see past all that
I-can-do-it attitude and can pamper his woman.
Here’s a little excerpt from Eye Candy:
glanced up at him because even in the ridiculous heels he was still much taller
than she was. She saw he was watching
her with that steady, even gaze he'd had on the street but also a little bit of
thought she was frivolous.
a moment the shy girl inside of her withered a little and wanted to retreat but
she wasn't hiding any more. She leaned
up and let her breasts brush against his chest as she wrapped one hand around
his shoulder for balance before she canted her body forward.
something funny, officer?" she asked in a deep husky voice, making sure
her words were spoken right into his ear.
felt him shudder and his hands came to waist and he drew her off her feet more
firmly into the cradle of his body but then everything shifted and she felt
them starting to fall.
cursed and held her tight as he ensured she landed on him with her half on top
of his chest and half on the floor.
Hayley started laughing as she realized that maybe jumping from mousy to
sexy was too much for her to accomplish in one night.
glanced down at Garrett to find he was scowling.
you hurt?"
my pride," he said with a wry grin.
goeth before the fall?" she quipped.
he said. He grabbed her waist and pulled
her more fully on top of him. She felt his
jean-clad legs part and her silk-encased ones slid between them.
was something almost erotic about the feel of the denim against her thighs and
she shivered a little inside. She put
her hands on his chest but his hand on her waist moved up her back and he
pushed his fingers into her newly cut hair, his hand shaping her head and
drawing her down.
are you doing?" she asked on a breathless sort of sigh.
the ground I lost," he said, moments before his lips met hers.
closed her eyes and then the timbre of the kiss changed as he angled his head
and parted her lips with his. The warmth
of his breath as it entered her mouth sent shivers of awareness down her spine. The smooth glide of his tongue over hers
short-circuited her thoughts.
stopped breathing.
nerve in her body was at attention. As
his mouth moved over hers she felt the caresses of his thighs over hers. The movement of his hands over the back of
her head as he massaged the muscles in her neck and she turned to putty.
melted against him and over him. The
kiss transformed her the same way the clothing had. He was awakening something inside of her that
she'd thought only existed in epic romance books and movies, but not in real
life. Something she'd always longed for,
but thought she'd never find. Something
dangerous because though she was ready to change inside she hadn't yet.
pulled back and looked down at him. His
eyes were half-closed and a subtle flush had spread under his beard-stubbled
cheeks. His lips were moist and swollen
from kissing her. She lifted one hand
and rubbed her finger over the stubble on his jaw enjoying the slight abrasion
against her skin.
opened his eyes and she saw how beautiful they were up close. She would have said they were gray before but
at this angle she could see they were flecked with green and blue. She moved her hand from his jaw and traced
the line of one eyebrow and then found a tiny scar at his hairline. She rubbed her finger over it.
bad girl, you are killing me," he said, his voice was deep and sort of
husky now. The words brushed over her
senses like a blast of heat from a fireplace on a cold night. And this was a cold January night.
You can pre-order it here
Price $4.99 / £2.48
ISBN 9780008142520
Google play
Author Bio- USA Today bestselling
author Katherine Garbera is a two-time Maggie winner who has
written more than 60 books. A Florida native who grew up to travel
the globe, Katherine now makes her home in the Midlands of the UK with her
husband, two children and a very spoiled miniature dachshund. Visit her on
the web at http://www.katherinegarbera.com,
connect with her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter @katheringarbera.
I'm the same - I need a strong heroine- not someone who needs rescuing... or at least if she does, she's as likely to rescue herself! x
ReplyDeleteA feisty heroine, someone who knows he own mind and a strong hero - and a plot that draws me in from the very beginning..